Week 12 Done

This is what I did for my 12th week of school. The first thing I did this week was have three kahoots. I didn’t win any but I still had fun. The next thing we did was have a Halloween party. It was so fun!!! We played bingo and watched some videos. The videos were SO funny. The last thing we did was make a toontastic. ( You can watch my toontastic on my blog) It was so cool too make a toontastic. That is what I did on 12th week of school.File Oct 30, 6 02 15 AM

The Haunted House

Photo on 10-20-15 at 12.09 PMThe Haunted House

By: Izabella Maestroiani

“ Knock Knock.” It’s probably Ava. I’ll get the door. “Hi Izabella are you ready to go trick or treating?” said Ava. “Yes, do you want to trick or treat in my neighborhood” I said. “ Sure, what exactly is your costume?’’ said Ava. “ I am Michael Jackson, what are you?” I said. Ava said “ I am Albert Einstein.” I said “ Ok, lets just go.” “Ok” Ava said.

After two hours of trick or treating we stopped at the Ol’ SaraLogan’s  house. “Hey, there’s Ol’ Sara Logan’s house, let’s knock on the door.” I said. Ava said “No, she is really scary!” I said. “Let’s just knock on the door this year.” “Fine, but just this year.” Ava said.

We knocked on Ol’ Sara Logan’s house. “Yes….” Ol’ Sara Logan said. Ava and I said “ Trick or treat!” Then she grabbed a bag from behind her and stuck us in the bag. Then, she took us to her basement and tied us up to a metal pole. Ava said “ What are we going to do now?” “ Let’s try to cut the rope off with this knife I found.” I said. “Okay try.” Ava said. I spent fifteen minutes trying to cut the rope off. Finally, the rope came off. Then, we tried to runaway, but Ava stepped on a stick. When she stepped on the stick we decided to hide.

After, thirty minutes of hiding Ol’ Sara Logan found us, and took us to her trunk in her car. “What are we going to do now?” said Ava. “Let’s try kicking.” I said. Ava said “Ok,” so we started to kick and this small green piece of hello popped out of nowhere. Then I put the jello in my pocket, and we started to kick again. “Hey, the tunk opened!” said Ava. When the trunk opened we ran out of the trunk, and Ava said “Throw the jello at her!” So, I threw the jello at her and she got stuck in it, and the jello grew until it was nineteen feet wide. We knew she was trapped forever.


After we threw the jello at her we decided to runaway. We ran so far away we landed on the red carpet. “How did we land here?” Ava said. “I don’t know, let’s just party.” I said. Then we did, and we lived happily ever after on the red carpet.

Week 11 Done

     My 11th week of school was awesome!!!! What I did first, was make a letter to my Uganda pen pal. She is awesome, and I love her name. Her name is Confidence. The next thing I did was go to the haunted house. I was a ticket person. It was so fun!! I got to choose my costume!!! I was some kind of ghost, I think. The last thing I did this week was read The Great Pumpkin to my reading buddy. It was AMAZING!!! That is what I did on my 11th week of school. IMG_4190

My 10th Week Of 5th Grade

       My 10th week of 5th grade was amazing. I made a poster to stop wasting food with my friend Sara. Are logo was keep calm and eat on. I also showed my reading buddy my animal power point on the Giant Panda. I think he liked it. The last thing I did this week was shoot our haunted house commercial. It was so fun. I got to dress up as a teletubbie. My 10th week of 5th grade was amIMG_4072azing. Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 9.00.30 PM

Week 9 Done

This is what I did on my 9th week of 5th grade.  Well first, I saw Ms. Cain get pie in the face. It was really funny. She got pie in the face because she was the top seller in her class. After that, we got to throw water balloons at our principal because we sold more than 3,000 coupon books. Our principal was wearing a batman suit and riding a tricycle. It was hilarious!! The last thing we did this week was read to our reading buddies. Today we had new reading buddies because a lot of the kids were absent, but I still had fun. That is what I did on my 9th week of 5th grade.IMG_3921IMG_3947

Week 8 in 5th Grade

        This is what I did on my 8th week of 5th grade.Well first, I showed my reading buddy my root word power point. It was fun showing it to my reading buddy. I think she liked the power point. Then, I did my animal research powerpoint with my partners. Our animal is the Giant Panda. I love the panda. I think it looks so cute. The last thing I did was have an electronic party. It was so awesome. We sang karaoke, played the wii, and played our electronics with are friends. That is what I did on my 8th week of 5th grade.IMG_3884